Malaysian-AngelFace is here to provide you with the most affordable, latest quality beauty products mainly from Taiwan. Resellers are welcome too. Wholesale prices will be given if buy in bulk purchase. Any enquries, pls feel free to email us at

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Payment Method

You may pay us via the follow.
Cash Deposit/ Bank Transfer/ Cheque Deposit.
Kindly send us your order (Name, Postal Address, Contact Email& Contact Number, Receiver, Product Name, Qty Order) via Email

1. We will calculate TOTAL AMOUNT needed to pay for your order, and Company Account Number will be given to you separately. 

2. All cheque payments would require 3 working days for clearance. Order will be proceed once the cheque is cleared.

3. Please keep your transaction slip once payment has been made. Then, send a payment notification to, attach together with your transaction slip for verification purpose.

IMPORTANT NOTE:Kindly made payment upon your confirmation of order within 3 Days. Order will automatic cancel after 3 days from your order date.

We will send you a confirmation of order with the full amount needed to pay and the banking / remittance details within 24 hour.

Important Notice: Please note that, We will cancel all the suspended orders, if we found that there are fake details on payment proves, fake payment details & etc without any prior notice to customers.