Malaysian-AngelFace is here to provide you with the most affordable, latest quality beauty products mainly from Taiwan. Resellers are welcome too. Wholesale prices will be given if buy in bulk purchase. Any enquries, pls feel free to email us at

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

PROMOTION PRICE: RM180 (market price: RM196/bottle)

抗氧化 + 高效修护重建机制 + 深层长效滋嫩润 + 速效亮白肌肤 + 舒缓肤肤况



Anti-oxidation + high effectiveness on restoration mechanism + long lasting, rejuvenating results + whiten skin + soothe irritated skin

Create beauty. Perform beauty miracles. Refreshes and vitalizes tired, dull skin by delivering a massive amount of nutrition. Specially formulated with proprietary nature herbal extract. Provide continuous miniaturization to reveal brighter, more radiant skin. Protect sensitive skin from irritation. Plumps up skin’s texture with moisture to keep it supple. Instantly restore resilience and clarity.

How to use:
Use after cleansing and toner, day and night daily. Apply desirable amount over face and neck. Can be used as night jelly.